
Liberal Misinformation

I am getting tired of Liberals/leftists saying they speak for me.  Not a day goes by that I haven’t read about how “Trump supporters think “this”, or Republicans want “that” about policies and issues.  How is it that they, of all people, know what I think?  But I admit they are consistent, they are wrong, as they are in most everything.

They also seem to control our terminology, as in calling street squatters “homeless”, and child mutilation “medical care” (“gender affirming care”).   The recent multi-ton Chinese unmanned spy aircraft sounds so harmless when you call it a “balloon”.  And my favorite (so far), the “Deficit reduction act”.

These examples are just the tip of the very huge iceberg.   



Re: the trillion dollar spending bills now in congress

This phenomenal trillion dollar spending, and the taxes required to pay for them will end the US as a functioning country.  They think they are creating socialism but the result will not “be an improvement in their day-to-day lives.“ as advertised, but will result in massive poverty for the future.  Their response when this happens will be more “rescue spending” bills, which will speed up the downward spiral.  One hit is the direct tax increases that are being planned to pay for this, and the second is the record setting inflation caused by dilution of the dollar and massive taxes on business.

Socialism has never in history benefitted its people, only the totalitarian government that emerges.


Will Rogers 2.0

Hasn’t anybody noticed that the effect of “defunding” police will affect the poor neighborhoods the most where crime is high, and take away their family’s protection?  This “white elite” effort to defund results in denying protection to those families who need it most.

Doesn’t anybody remember that when Hillary was secretary of state she proposed, and may have actually sent $200 million to Fatah and Hamas to get them to join together?

Does anybody remember Pelosi’s trip to China when she made glowing statements to the press?  She praised China’s system and said the US should be more like them.

Does anybody recognize the tactic used many times the past 2000 years that is being used now in our country, with huge effect?  It is called divide and conquer.  First it was the current largest nonwhite group, the American blacks.  In spite of being freed from slavery by the deaths of 500,000 white men, they are expecting financial compensation.  Also they have been taught in schools, churches and the media to hate whites.  Hispanics were taught next, coming to the US and flying Mexican flags above the stars and stripes, and protesting their “plight” at the hands of whites.  By this they mean white men mostly in both cases, white women are somehow given a pass, probably because some have also bought into their victimhood by white men.  Most recently they are attempting to separate out the Asian Americans.  After two highly publicized incidents of attacks (one by a black man) there is lots of media effort to make people think there is a general hatred for Asian Americans, Asians and Asia in general in the US.  Native Americans, to my own disappointment, have bought into this victimhood philosophy.

Notice how “we can work this out if we all pull together” (Biden) sounds like the communist party propaganda posters from the 50’s?  The idea of being bound together for strength, while it is a cutesy slogan, suggests that the binding is done by the government and the founding concepts of the freedom and responsibility of individuals are done away with.

I am beginning see the US governing structure as a one party system.

There is the so-called “democrat” party which is left oriented and often radically so.  Contrary to its name it is not “democratic” at all but is working toward a totalitarian structure with them permanently in charge.

And there is the Republican party, which except for a few good senators and house members, perform more like a center-right for the democrat party.  Except for their votes on very visible bills, they usually go right along with the democrat party.  One wonders if the name “republican” is also sarcastic since they don’t seem to believe in the US being a republic enough to fight for it.  Some of them regularly fall in with the democrat/leftist side and don’t bother hiding it, such as Snow, Murkowski, Romney and the like.  Both parties seem to be taking their orders from Soros and his paid media.  Both parties seem to include the same corrupt bureaucracy in the background making it hard to tell the difference between them in that way also.  The entire government has gradually become like that.  Only with Trump in charge was there any semblance of balance, and even then both parties fought against his very policies that interfered with their leftist philosophy and that made so many great strides toward recovering our country from the growing leftist morass that was taking over.  He may have been our last chance.

Summary:  They are one party.  The task of the Democrats is to destroy the country through bankruptcy and "Wokism" to enhance their power.  The role of the Republicans is to be their support crew.  "You guys go ahead, we will just muddle around and stay out of the way, and maintain for you the illusion that we have a two party system"

Is it any wonder then that the rate of white teenage suicides has increased significantly?  After all, they are taught to hate themselves, that being white is bad, and they must bear the guilt over events that occurred hundreds of years ago that they had nothing to do with.  No wonder.